原名:We Are Not Able To Measure The Amount Of Radiation Coming From The Power Plant
來源:NHK, CNN, Youtube
However, when it comes to radioactive materials, in general, in atmosphere, we are now trying to measure it, and then, we will see how much of the radioactive materials are actually emitted from the nuclear power plant.
This is the instruction that we have given, as I have already reported to you, and as I already mentioned as well from nuclear power plant, the amount of radioactive materials have been emitted. Unfortunately, given the current situation of the plant, itself, we are not able to measure the amount of the radioactive materials from the plant, itself, and therefore, we are sort of calculating back to see as an estimate how much of the radioactive materials seems to be estimated to be coming from the plant.
That is something that we are trying to work out. And in order to do this estimation, we, first of all, do need to measure the radioactive materials or nuclide announced (ph) in atmosphere, and furthermore, towards inland side on the upstream of the wind. We do have to take these measurements, and we were able to do this monitoring yesterday. Based on that, we run simulation, and the results of the simulation work was reported. And the result is as follows. After the accident of nuclear power plant in Fukushima, if we assume that we stay outdoor throughout the entire day, then 100 millisieverts per hour or above would be expected to be the level of the exposure to radiation level in certain areas, even within the 30 kilometer -- or even outside the 30 kilometer range from the nuclear power plant, there could be some places where the actual exposure to radiation could go beyond 100.